Volunteer to fill our community run "Blessing Box".
The Blessing Box is a "take what you need, leave what you can" box outside of The New Hope Ministry Park. This box is run off of DONATIONS and we can always use the extra donations. We accept all non perishable items, for example:
Canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, cereal, canned meat, rice, peanut butter, toiletries, etc...
We are looking for volunteers to complete special projects from time to time here at the shelter. We are currently updating the shelter and often need help painting, organizing, and sometimes even building! Please contact us to find out how you can further help your local homeless shelter!
Host a group work day. We would love for you to join in and get involved by volunteering your time at the shelter. That might be by answering phones, cleaning, or just spending time with the residents here at the shelter. We are always open to new ideas. We would love to hear from you!!!